Claims & Returns

Returns & Refund Policy

  • No returns are accepted, unless due to a manufacturer defect. The claim needs to be made within 48 hrs. of delivery and accompanied by photographs.
  • Goods must be returned in their original packaging.
  • Goods not returned in their original packaging will NOT be considered for refund under any circumstances.
  • Final determination will be made after physical examination of goods by the seller and if found to be due to manufacture defect, 100% of sale price will be refunded to the buyer.

Damaged Items

  • It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure a responsible person is present to accept the delivery.
  • Any damages must be reported at the time of delivery and specified in writing on the delivery note and accompanied by photographic evidence.
  • Damage, which is not immediately apparent, must be reported in writing within 48 hrs   of receipt of goods.
  • The faulting goods will be repaired or replaced at the judgement of the Company
  • No compensation will be recognized for damages or costs related to the claim.


  • For a period of two years following the date of our invoice, we guarantee that our products will be free from flaws in both the materials and the workmanship. The warranty will not cover the replacement of parts of the product worn out due to the normal wear and tear.
  • The warranty will not apply in case of damages resulting from misuse of the product and adaptations or repair done without the prior written consent of our company.
  • If the product is damaged upon delivery, we require photos of the damaged goods. Contact us with the photographic evidence of the damage. Include multiple photos from different angles, so we can assess the issue carefully.